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About Us

Emerging from the gaming giant GameCloud Technologies, LolzSoft specializes in video game development with a creative twist. Our team transforms creative ideas into immersive gaming experiences, marking a new era in cutting-edge video design and development. LolzSoft continues GameCloud’s tradition of excellence, crafting games that not only entertain but also redefine the gaming landscape, offering unique and engaging experiences to gamers worldwide.

At LolzSoft, our mission is to create games that bring joy and laughter to people’s lives, while also educating and inspiring them. We believe that games have the power to make a positive impact on the world, and we’re committed to using that power to create games that are not only entertaining, but also meaningful. Our educational games are perfect for kids and adults alike who want to learn while having fun.

Our Games

Historically we are a work-for-hire studio with specialization in Rapid Game Prototyping. Now we’re coming up with new ideas and developing new games, so be sure to check back often.

Join Us

If you’re a game developer who shares our passion for creating fun and educational games, we’d love to hear from you! We’re always looking for talented individuals to join our team and help us create even more amazing games.

You can find out more about career opportunities at LolzSoft on our Gamecloud’s website.


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